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By February 21, 2018July 13th, 2018Blog, S - Spiritual

Tetapi moment indah..
Fffuhhh berulang kali buat perkara yg sama, Transfer barang dari troli ke kaunter ke troli ke kereta ke troli ke peti sejuk.. So much inefficiency just because of terlupa. Pernah kena?

Unexpectedly, kerana terlupa ini.. Ia menjadi moment indah..
Bila allana bertanya, “Mama.. Nak letak Kat mana?” sesi sorting menyebabkan beliau bertanya pasal protein, fiber, clean food, processed food, toyyiban… And indirectly I RE-exposed her about to eat healthy food. Not junk food.
To be honest, it’s kinda hard to completely move to fully clean food. Especially the kids. Ada time, yg mereka self reminded about not to eat junk food. But the junk is soooooo tempting sometimes they can’t say no but to eat.. I pray to Allah to protect them.. And Allah gives me the “TERLUPA BAWA BEG” for me to remind the kids again..
MasyaAllah.. Baiknya Allah..
Thanx alquran for giving this idea to relate. Otherwise, I might still complaining… = tak bersyukur. Oh…


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