Nature is always the best therapy after Allah’s words. Truly, just listen to Allah and obey His guidance.. With or without problems, peaceful heart is guaranteed. It doesn’t mean we are immune to problems..
It doesn’t mean we don’t feel down or headache..
Allah’s words will always pamper us.. Convince us.. That “there’s nothing to worry. Just be thankful. Syukur. Goods are from Allah. Bads are from Allah too, But it is due to our negativity.
Alquran will help us to shift it to positive and be able to feel gratitude for everything… Finally, we should be able to realise that Allah’s love is at ALL times with us.. Allah ar Rahman and arrahim
Today, again and again we are responding to His Words Quran.
Quran mentioned “Dialah yang menjadikan bumi bagi kamu mudah digunakan, maka berjalanlah merata-rata ceruk rantaunya, serta makanlah dari rezeki yang dikurniakan Allah; dan kepada Allah jualah (kamu) dibangkitkan hidup semula.” almulk ayat 15.