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Maaf sekiranya post ini dirasakan saya racist dlm context pemakanan..

I told my kids.. To eat Halal food coz the body system works efficiently. Kalau makan Non halal food.. Body needs more energy (and oxygen) to process it.. Especially the liver, kidney, usus.. So, kurang lah oxygen sampai ke otak.. Sedangkan otak needs more.. Sebab tu susah nak belajar.. Sebab tu susah nak hafal alquran.. Sebab tu kalau buat math soalan susah sikit, otak malas nak fikir… (I just create the consequences that relates to them)

(for some parents might think it’s too technical for 4 n 7 years old kids. Noppp if we relate it back to the effects that they might get. And the homeschooling activities has trained them to be able to understand)

Suddenly ammar asked me this…
“mama.. Abg ammar makan yang halal lah.. Bukan nya makan pork.”

Then I asked.. But u ate jajan kan?
Ammar said this.. “JAJAN ADA HALAL LAH MAMA”

Ermmm… That’s justify why they freely eating those… Rupa2nya my explanation is not enough and complete…

Mama : we need to eat halal and Toyyiban food…
Ammar and allana : huh? Toyyiban tu apa

To be continued..

Husna Haron

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