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Mama..boleh mandi hujan?

By January 13, 2017Blog, Didik Anak

Boleh main selut hujan? boleh main pasir? boleh main air sungai?… hoho…
Ammar dan allana dah baca Quran kan?
Haaaaa…. semua boleh! enjoy yourself!!
Ammar betul2 enjoy.. Rasa seperti ‘adik’ bila ada ramai kakak and abang looking after him.. His dream comes true..
street schooling is tremendously enjoying… sgt2 bersyukur, ditemukan oleh Allah dengan homeschooler parents..
mengubah cara kita berfikir dan mendidik anak2..
ikut brain processor mereka..ikut minat mereka..ikut the best learning style mereka..let them THINK about the surrounding.. let them explore..let them be them with experiental learning … let them see Allah in the alam..let them see the Quran within them and in this alam…we just guide..
let the school be the secondary source of learning..
let the teachers be our secondary teachers..
and let us be the their first teacher..
what we need to focus on.. LATIH MEREKA BERFIKIR
LATIH MEREKA melihat Allah di dalam segala perkara..
syllabus?? alquran definitely…dan alquran memerlukan pembacanya untuk YAKIN DENGAN HATI kepada ALLAH.. dan perlukan pembaca untuk BERFIKIR untuk memahami mesej Authornya..
masyaAllah…. i was thinking, i was teaching the kids.
but i am wrong.. Through them..i am learning…
forever, be the learner…Alhamdulillah…


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