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By February 21, 2018A - Anak & Suami, Blog

Last night we watch a movie from YouTube. A father homeschool his 6 kids aged 4-17 in a jungle. Impressive! Their activities are so real..
– Planting and watering system
– How to catch the animals, slaughter
-Time and punctuality
– knowledge on Sex, pleasure and responsibilities
-Mountain climbing (like the rock climbing)
-Studying thick books, progress and test results are recorded.
– fitness in the jungle (cardio, hiit, tabata)
– self defense using the real weapon
– meditation
– variety of music instruments learning and form beautiful songs. Most importantly they know how to enjoy their life. When and how. In the jungle.
– how to present and deliver ideas convincingly..
– they homeschool everywhere. They don’t have any cars. But they have a bus which has been modified to be a camper-bus. With bed, bookshelves, toilet etc. When driving, the father will explain what’s on their left and right like a tourist guide….
– when hungry, they stopped at a restaurant. The kids talk to each other while looking at the menu.. They intend to have French fries, hamburger, sausage, soda drinks etc. Finally the father decided “let’s get out from this restaurant. There is no HEALTHY FOOD here”.
– survival skills… Real hands on with strategies on how to steal groceries in a store (it is unethical. But the strategies are real)
– most importantly, the kids are trained to questions anything. The father will answer accordingly using simple words. Not restricted to the age.
However, I also notice
– people look down on homeschoolers.
– emotionally, the kids want to explore the other side of the world..
– father vs teacher relationship. When to be strict, when to show love,
– people argue when the kids are not receiving the education from a school.
Hey! The first son is accepted to study at Harvard University!
To me.. Doesn’t matter.. Homeschooling, partime homeschooling, 100% school.. It is how the parents want to do the best for their kids. Every decision has its pros and cons….. 


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